What does Fee-only mean?

Fee-only means that the only compensation we receive is the fee we charge our clients with no commission-based compensation. Simply put, we do not earn a commission on our recommendations EVER. We believe the financial advice industry has a reputation for not being clear on how advisors are compensated by their clients. Our philosophy is to be as transparent as possible about the costs of working with us, eliminating conflicts of interest. 

What is a fiduciary?

A fiduciary is legally required to act in the best interest of their clients. Only Registered Investment Advisors are always required to be fiduciaries. ClearWealth is a Registered Investment Advisory firm, so we are a fiduciary at all times. 

Are all CFP® practitioners fiduciaries?

No, not all of the time. The CFP board requires that members act as fiduciaries “when giving financial advice.” That means that when acting in a sales capacity, a CFP practitioner who is not part of a Registered Investment Advisory firm (like ClearWealth) may ignore your best interests when acting as a salesperson and is not legally required to disclose their conflicts of interest. Since we are Fee-Only, we never sell any products and are free to be your fiduciary at all times without exception. 

Why would I need a financial planner?

We’ve heard this question so many times. It can be difficult to picture the benefits of having a financial planner if you haven’t worked with one before or if you have had a poor experience in the past. A real financial planner is your guide in the ever-changing landscape of your life. They provide unbiased advice to help you make wise decisions with your money. It’s so much more than just investments.

How are you paid?

Please see the Services & Fees page for our advisors’ fee schedules.

How are fees calculated and paid?
  • The AUM fees quoted represent the annual fee, which is paid quarterly in arrears and pro-rated for the number of days remaining in the quarter.
  • Depending on the relationship type, fees are either deducted directly from your investment account(s) or paid via ACH using a third-party invoicing software. 
Do you only handle investments?

No! A common misconception about financial planning is that it only consists of picking stocks and hoping they go up. At ClearWealth, we are your guide in an ever-changing landscape and create a plan to get you where you want to go. We also happen to provide investment management. 

Where is my money held?

Clients who hire us for investment management services open and hold accounts at Charles Schwab, an unaffiliated custodian. We help set our clients up for online access via mobile apps and desktop log-ins.

Do assets under management include my workplace retirement account?

No. We include all accounts that ClearWealth manages for you directly through our custodian, Charles Schwab. This typically includes taxable brokerage accounts, trusts, and IRAs. We exclude 401(k) plans and similar plans at your employer, as well as 529s, but we will still advise on those even if we don’t manage them for you. 

Why should I work with you over another advisor?

Ultimately, this is your decision, which we believe should be built on trust. Rather than selling insurance and calling that a financial plan, or managing your investments and having a performance review once a year, we pride ourselves in building relationships with our clients and being there with them every step of the way. We are your guide in an ever-changing landscape, helping you navigate all obstacles throughout your life. If you’re looking for a more in-depth relationship than the typical big-box firm, ClearWealth could be the place for you. 

Do I need a certain amount of money to work with you?

No! At ClearWealth, we work with families who are just starting their financial journey, as well as families who have already accumulated assets. We have no asset minimums to work with us. 

Do you work with clients nationwide?

Yes! ClearWealth is equipped to work virtually with clients across the United States. 

Am I locked into a contract?

When we start an ongoing engagement, our intention is that the relationship will last for decades. However, you are free to terminate our relationship at any time.